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Law Council of Australia urges prioritization of legal aid funding in 2024-2025 budget

Law Council of Australia Urges Increased Funding for Legal Assistance Services in Budget Deliberations

The Law Council of Australia is pushing for increased funding for legal assistance services in the upcoming budget deliberations, emphasizing the urgent need to support vulnerable groups facing legal issues. In a media release, council president Greg McIntyre urged the government to prioritize funding for initiatives that can help improve outcomes for individuals facing disadvantage, such as older Australians, people with disabilities, women and children experiencing family violence, asylum seekers, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The council’s pre-budget submission highlighted the importance of investing in programs that support these vulnerable communities and address their complex legal needs. McIntyre stressed that individuals facing disadvantage often require more specialized legal assistance and deserve greater attention to ensure their access to justice.

Attorney-general Mark Dreyfus also addressed the barriers to justice faced by marginalized groups, noting that the inability to access legal assistance can perpetuate poverty and marginalization, ultimately eroding trust in the legal system and the rule of law.

The Law Council criticized the current level of Commonwealth funding under the National Legal Assistance Partnership, stating that it falls short of meeting the demands on the legal assistance sector. The focus on legal assistance aims to support not only those living below the poverty line but also individuals who are ineligible for legal aid yet cannot afford private legal fees.

With the budget submissions now closed, the government will consider the input from various stakeholders, including the Law Council, in finalizing the budget in June. The outcome of these deliberations will have significant implications for the accessibility of justice for vulnerable communities across Australia.


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