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Fashion Law Guide Explores Trending Issues such as the Growing Influence of Influencers

Introducing the Second Edition of the Law Over Borders Fashion Law Guide by The Global Legal Post

The Global Legal Post has just launched the second edition of the Law Over Borders online Fashion Law guide, providing valuable insights into the legal aspects of the fashion industry in 20 key jurisdictions around the world. Edited by Julia Holden, a senior partner at Milan-based firm Trevisan & Cuonzo, the guide features contributions from leading firms, offering guidance on brand protection, e-commerce, marketing rules, and sustainability guidelines.

The digital format of the guide allows readers to easily compare how different jurisdictions address common issues by examining the answers provided by contributing authors to a series of carefully crafted questions. Some of the contributing firms include Griffith Hack (Australia), Bird & Bird (Hong Kong, Singapore, and Spain), and Debevoise & Plimpton (US), among others.

Holden highlights the impact of digitization, environmental awareness, and consumer centrality on the fashion industry, as well as the growing regulatory environment around advertising and the influence of fashion influencers. The guide addresses these new challenges with a practical and fact-based approach, making it a relevant and accessible resource for industry professionals.

The print version of the guide will be officially launched at the Luxury Law Summit London on June 11th, with pre-orders for the print and PDF versions available in April. For more information about the Law Over Borders comparative guide series, readers can email or visit the Global Legal Post website.


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